“This is a gigantic joke, which just isn’t funny.”

I detach myself from the opinions floating around on most topic, simply because most opinions don’t matter. This is my opinion, and honestly; it doesn’t really matter. But I put this out because for me right to freedom of of speech & expression, matters.

Vir put out a video titled “Vir Das - I COME FROM TWO INDIAS”, which made me smile, and smirk; cheer, and boo; hopeful, and fearful; happy, and sad; and bold, and nervous; line after line. Some lines hit harder than others, simply because I’ve been ignorant of a few things, and maybe rightly so.

These are just, in my opinion (which by the way doesn’t really matter), good jokes. If you cannot handle them, get educated. If you still can’t handle them get a better education. And if you’re still struggling, I can only hope your struggle isn’t as big as the issues themselves.

As an armchair critic, what am I doing? Nothing really.

Maybe that’s funny?
