Chill the fuck out! Previous Post: Certified as OffSec Web Assessor (OSWA) 🧑‍🎓

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I know there’s a circular dilemma to this one. You can’t read the blog without reading the disclaimer, and you probably won’t read the disclaimer without reading this blog. Author likey, this paradox.

Honestly, I’m just bored on this saturday evening, and i’m trying to take a stab, in my own stoopid way at how we’ve just grown into this world. This world of technology where everything needs to be disclaimed, and everything needs to be told.

There are a lot of dark patterns in this new world. the ones that are very much aimed towards exploiting your stupidity. well… our stupidity. but tbh we’re all just bodies made of water and other organic compounds with an auro of consciousness looming somewhere around the craniofacial region. Some exploit us more than others, but everyone gets exploited.

Am I angry? Sure? Am I content? sure? Am I calm? sure? Am I normal? sure? Am I loosing it? sure? Am i composed? sure?

I’m just as normal, as any of you, and I’m just as crazy, as any of you. We’re collectively a product of evolution with every revolution… obviously I’m fucked up. So chill the fuck out!

No offense.

At one point last year, i was reading the communist manifesto… out of pure curiosity.. and as I was reading it… my mind took over my body, a little paranoia creeped into cognitive processing phase, specifically between the reading and analysis and assocaition with prior knowledge steps.

wtf am i doing?

I wondered, wait… I think I have free will… so i should be able to read whatever the fuck I want, and whenever the fuck I want. Even though if reading through this.. during a friends marriage is what will keep my thoughts away from my 10 day girlfriend for whom I’ve been crying about for the last 10 years. wait… thats tmi? i guess.

najauvano baat mano.. kabhi kisi se.. naa pyaar karna - kay sara sara

Anywho.. back to the manifesto.. at the time, i was thinking… wait.. i don’t know what my future holds for me… but the digital identity that I have, if leaked, can have caried implications on my day-to-day. Simply put, if my “books” data gets leaked… and my employer comes across it, do they have grounds to fire me? I am an “at-will” employee… so if it wills my employer, so shall it be.

I don’t have a eidetic memory like Shelly. So I don’t remember every fucking thing i read.. but if prosecuted, and evidence being put forth to “paint a picture”, i would rather have the brush strokes willed the way I will.. So… during the decision making stage, I decided that I would add a comment at the beginning of the book.

This post contains selected excerpts, highlights, and notes from various books and other sources that have been collected, compiled, and annotated by me over time. These materials are intended for personal reflection and contemplation, and should not be taken as a comprehensive or definitive representation of my thoughts or beliefs at any given point in time. Please be aware that these materials may contain incomplete or out-of-context information, and as such, should not be relied upon as accurate, complete, or authoritative sources. The context in which these excerpts and notes were taken may be subject to change, and the interpretations or conclusions drawn from these materials may evolve over time. In the event of any legal action against me that may necessitate the provision of these materials, please note that they are to be considered as a snapshot of my thoughts and ideas at a particular moment, and not as an absolute representation of my beliefs or opinions. The nature of human thought is complex and ever-changing, and the materials presented here are not intended to serve as a definitive account of my perspectives. By accessing or using these materials, you acknowledge and agree that they are provided for informational purposes only, and that I make no warranties, express or implied, as to their accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any particular purpose. I shall not be held liable for any errors, omissions, or misrepresentations contained herein, or for any actions taken in reliance on these materials.

Simple yeah? I guess… it’s a point in time represenation of what i could’ve been thinking… feeling… acting..

Similary… I don’t remember every fucking thing I write about. I try my best to do some research before something in this wild-east of internet. But I got to point where, I wanted to explictly just say… Chill the fuck out!

Everything written on the internet, by so-called “Experts” are just people who are in their own bubble.. just like me. not the expert part, but the bubble part. They read a few things, process a few things.. write about a few things.. and there you have it a pretty huge dick. Obviously… some people are SMART. But lets face it.. these really smart guys can be dicks, maybe not regarded as such collectively, but people in their own bubbles, might regard them as such.

GUYS… we’re in the “learning” phase. We’re NOT in the “we’ve figured everything out phase”. So let’s stop pretending we’re a hundred phases up the ladder, when we can barely write the word ladder, and convey the meaning of it to some guy in ratlam ki sunsam galiya who might not even know what a fucking “ladder” means. he might know seedhi, but then I have to explain to you, that it means a ladder its just a fucking mess.

Is this an excuse to exploit stupidity? Abso-fucking not!

There are morals to this game. We all feel it. But some of us, also feel the need to disregard them.

Philosophy estranges us from the familiar. Not by supplying new information, but by inviting and provoking a new way of seeing - Justice: what’s the right thing to do? Episode 01 “The moral side of murder”

You may ask why are these millenials or gen fucking z’s philosophizing so much… well… like tyler durden said… - “our great war is a spiritual war. our great depression is our lives.”

So here I am today. Naked. Where art thou?

I think i just need to chill the fuck out. Until next time. I’ll play some ghost of tsushima, write some haiku, and go to sleep man. I’m a little tired today.

Reading More

  • GDPR Legislation: The full text of the GDPR provides comprehensive insights into data protection regulations in the EU. GDPR Full Text
  • FTC v. Facebook, Inc.: Detailed information about the case can be found on the FTC’s website. FTC v. Facebook Case
  • Google Spain SL v. Agencia Espanola de Proteccion de Datos: The European Court of Justice ruling on the right to be forgotten. Google Spain Case
  • In re Equifax, Inc. Customer Data Security Breach Litigation: Information on the Equifax data breach litigation. Equifax Data Breach
  • Falcon Content update for windows host: Post Incident review by crowdstrike Remediation and guidance hub
  • Crisis Communication by Adobe post terms of use update: Public statement by Adobe on concerns over Terms of use update. A clarification on ADobe Terms of Use